Sunday, July 30, 2006

Hello Again!!

I am going to write in this at the moment. Just cause I know no one has looked at it in quite some time. Well I assume as much. I have been wanting to recount my week for quite some time but I just have never gotten around to it. So here goes.....

Last Saturday I went to Warped Tour. I already talked about that but I felt the need to mention it cause I had lots of fun. mmhmm. I did. Hot and sweaty. But fun.

On Monday I went to eat at my grandmas. We do this on most holidays. It is a jolly good tradition. We had KFC chicken. Usually we make something there which I prefer but it was still good. While I was there Tara called and told me that we were going to the fireworks in Clearfield. Since I was to be stranded at grandmothers house all night I enlisted the help of Chris. Luckily he and Nate were feeling charitable enough to come and pick me up. So we went to Tara's and the fireworks. There was a brief worry because no one acutally knew where the fireworks were. So we took a guess and drove over to the high school and we were right!! woo.... The fireworks last almost 30 min. It got kind of dull cause they needed music and needed to launch them off more. that didnt make sense. that was monday.

Tuesday I didnt do anything cause Jessica was still coming home from her trip and the boys went and saw a movie and didnt feel the need to invite anyone else. I was ok though. I dont really remember what I did the rest of the night. but yeah.

Wednesday.....Oh yes. we went to Real (reAL) soccer game. Some guy in my ward had tickets his work wasnt using so he gave them to us. It was my family and Jessica, Chris, and Nate. I had a ton of fun as did Jessica, i dont know about the boys, they seemed to have fun. I do enjoy watching soccer now. After the game was over, I got wet from the sprinklers and my parents called and said that would feed us at Crown Burger we were trying to find it. And we ended up yelling and screaming at each other fro a few minutes. Because everyone was basically giving different directions. It was jolly good time. It ended when I curled up in a little ball in the seat and said....i'm scared. We ate food and then went home and all talked in Jessica's driveway until 1ish. twas all very enjoyable.

On thursday we went up South Fork to Mrs. Prices' cabin and floated down the river. I didnt really have fun cause my tube was either not big enough or not blown up enough and i was constantly hitting my legs or butt or the tube on rocks. I got stuck once (one of many) and just sat and was kicking and screaming that i was done. I got laughed at. Then we sat at prices' cabin forever. And then logan finally took us home. We went swimming that night at chris'. and somehow everyone found out. so they all showed was really awkward. i couldnt believe that they all came like that. but after they left we went to taco bell and got CHICKEN CRUNCHWRAP SUPREMES! Well most of us did. they were lovely. and some homeless lady was asking me for or money. i'm not really sure. i just said i didnt have....anything and so she left.

friday we all went to logans and sat and talked till 12 30. then as i was leaving a stepped in a whole. fell. and laughed.

On saturday me and jessica had a 'pretend sleepover' and watched she's the man. such a lovely show. mmmm. then we talked till like 1. cause we have not been alone this entire week. there have always been boys around. also very nice.

oh my. that was my week. terribly boring. but not as boring as the other weeks.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I read this because I wanted to know what I was doing a year ago. I loved it good times.

--Future Logan