Monday, November 19, 2012

so excited.

So I've decided that I really like surfing movies. I've never seen a bad surfing movie. I can actually only think of two at the moment but I really like both of them. So that's why I want to go see Chasing Mavericks. Cause it's about surfing. So it's gotta be good right? Go youtube the trailers, there are a couple I think. Or better yet, go watch the movie!

Also. I thought this was really good. I don't think I understood it all. I could probably watch it again. But I liked what she had to say and how she said it. It's 18 minutes. So find yourself some 18 minutes to sit down and watch it.

I am so excited for Thanksgiving!!!!!!! I was sitting at work. Scanning documents. Typing in A numbers. And I just got really excited. I love the feeling of the holidays. You know. That feeling. Of wintery family together sitting around the table talking and laughing holidayness. That feeling. It's a good one.

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