Sunday, November 21, 2004

yeah it finally worked

yeah so i hope that this stupid thing works. yes so anyway last night i went over to jamil house and we watched Elf. tuesday. and it was an alright show but there were some parts that i thought that were kinda dumb. tuesday. but before i went over to jamils i was reading this lullabye for the third time. AHHH that is the best book i love it so much. tuesday. at church today maxwell left and he was supposed to be our teacher so katie had to do it and she had only read over the lesson so we just pretty much talked the whole time. it was great. tuesday. on friday we went to ashleys party. holy crap there were so many people there. it was fun even though i basically just sat there the whole time. and i didnt really talk much either but it was still fun. tuesday. one of the missionaries in our stake is from scotland and i am thinking that they need to come spead in our ward and he can just speak the whole time. cuase that would be awesome. i am watching this really cool show about these mountain climbers it is cool. i am getting better at my typing cause i dont really ever have to look down if i dont want to and i dont even have to back space that much but i dont ever use the caps button oh well i sure do hope this stupid thing works cause if it dosent i am going to scream.

1 comment:

Becki said...