Friday, September 15, 2006

And. . .

I have had oh such a lovley day today. I woke up this morning to the usual screaming. Then I decided that it really wasnt necessary to do my hair. So up with the sexy old lady bun. and it was raining. ooooooh how i love the rain. I was ready early and had time time sit. I drove the truck cause my car is stupid...and i didnt want to go get gas. And it was raining. And i love to drive in the rain. And i got to turn the heater on. When i got the the dee events center i was so thankful that i had my moms umbrella. So i took it out and was enjoying myself standing in the rain waiting for the bus. Then got on different bus cause the express was taking to long. So i walked down the hill in the rain with my umbrella to class. the only thing i didn really like is that my pants were soooooaking wet. After class i pulled the ipod out and listened to that in the rain with my umbrella on the walk back up the hill. I probably could have stood outsid for a long time. But my pants were still wet, and even wetter than before. So then class happended and i left the school.

On the way home i heard a song that i looooove on the raido and it made me even happier. I didnt cut anyone off. and since i was in the truck. acceleration was excellent. then i heard another song that i like. oh yes. AND i found my chapstick this morning!!!!! I have really been pining over it for quite some time. So then i came home and dried my pants off with the blow dryer(they are still damp) and made hot chocolate. And since the computer was being a tard i got on the laptop and the power went out but it was ok cause i was on the laptop. And i got a new facebook friend. (lots of ands today) And i dont have to read or think about anything today. Or mow any lawns. And when my dad gets home from the airport we are going to go out to lunch. I am hungry. And jessica is coming home for the weekend so i might acutally do something constructive with my friends. And i plan on going to wal mart to buy the cd of the song i heard on the raido. and.....i think that is all.

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