Monday, January 21, 2008


I went home this weekend. el matadors is a very good place to eat. love cheese.

also it was vampire zombie weekend on tv i guess. on friday i watched stealth (which isn't about vampires or zombies. but still) with the parents and the dogs. On saturday resident evil was on. which is definetly about zombies. but it was actually pretty stupid. but i still wanted to see the second one. which was going to be on sunday evening. on sunday i watched lots of different movies. i am trying to figure which ones i watched. blade: trinity, underworld, and the fifth element. underworld was a pretty good show, it was on the same time as resident evil: apocalypse, i was very torn over which one to watch but underworld won. and i want to see the second one. it didn't all make sense but i think a lot got cut out for time. i know i watched something else....but i can't think of what it was. oh well. action movies. zombies and vampires all around. so weekend was really interesting..... at least i enjoyed myself. and i even remembered to wear my bra the whole time!!

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