Monday, July 09, 2012

right now...

You can buy bagged ice from McDonald's. only 99 cents.
Whistle by Flo Rida (Which I always read as Florida. the state.)
My apartment is 90 degrees right now. (its 10:05 pm)
So I am sitting on the floor drinking my smoothie.
I studied for two and a half hours today at the library. go me. 
Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men.
My flower pot is dying. This makes me sad.
THE BOX ELDER BUGS. I might have a mental break down soon.
Real soon.
I bought a papaya today. :)
I am reading a mystery book. I don't read mysteries. I like this one though. 
Commence mental breakdown in 3...2...1...
(there was just a very large beetle bug...thing on the stove....shudder)
I don't know how much longer I will be able to take this.

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