Sunday, September 07, 2008

sunday day

I have just come home from my friends house a little early cause everyone was outside and i was cold. So I came home and got in my pajamas and was going to come sit in my living with my computer(and internet!) and watch some television before bed. And what was on? Why the MTV music awards awards! And I was just in time to hear the Jonas Brothers! What are the MTV Music Awards anyways? What do they even do?

ps. Did I tell you all i received a calling this year at church? Yes its true. I am a FHE mom. I am a mother mom. hahahaha. i don't know why i typed that. i don't remember typing it. I got distracted. So I was distracted....cereal sounds good right now. And now a really awful song is on...? The singer dude needs to pull his pants up.

At school. My favorite thing is that a lot of the kids call there back pack or book bags (what are they really called. I think i call them both cause i always get confused.) but they call them pack-pack. packpack. Its adorable.


Leon said...

The MTV music awards awards, eh? Sar, you crack me up. Wait, why did I type that? I don't remember typing that. I must've been distracted...

kristin brown said...

Ha ha I always think it's cute when they call it pack-pack too. I hope you are MY fhe mom!