Wednesday, August 17, 2011


My eye is twitching. AGAIN.

This whole job search thing. NO. I'm DONE. SERIOUSLY. SO FRUSTRATED. And it's all my school schedule's fault. A schedule that I have just realized COULD HAVE BEEN CHANGED. I could HAVE a job by now. But no.

So I saw a thing on Pinterest. It says .........Some people just need a high five.     In the face.     With a chair.

It made me feel better. There isn't anyone in particular I would like to do that to. But I like it.

I went fishing this morning. Didn't catch anything. But don't worry!!! Cause I bought a year long permit. So we can go again!! Please take me!!! Maybe I'll actually catch something one of these days.

Drive-in last night.....cowboys and aliens.....meh.

I went to Lava Hot Springs this past weekend. It. Was. A. Blast. I had so much fun. Also I got FRIED. Again. I am currently peeling. Again. It's not pretty.

1 comment:

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

I have been looking for a job too! It is a killer.