Thursday, October 04, 2012


A few days ago I checked a book out from the library! Like the university library. So exciting. I also thought it was fun to go find the book. Like more fun than should be granted such an activity. Way more interesting than looking on the internet for stuff. Sad part. Pretty sure I left a paper that I needed at the check out desk. Sad day.

Also. I do not like the word activity. I can't ever spell it right. Especially when its activities. I had to write that word a bunch for a test I took today and pretty much spelled it wrong every single time.

Also. I'm feeling very much like today should be Friday. Don't get your hopes up. It's not. But almost.

Also. Did I tell you my brother is getting married? That's exciting right? I think it is. Sarah is awesome and I am so excited for them. (Yes. Her name is Sarah. Crazy right?) Daniel is pretty cool too I guess.

Also. It felt like fall today. As in a little to cold for my taste....So I celebrated by having tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch!!! I am pretty sure I could eat those 2 things every day and not ever get tired of them. So delicious.

Also. I am going to New York City over fall break!!!! 2 weeks from today. Awesome.

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