Monday, April 30, 2012

Finals week...

So I have a final tomrowm that I need to study for. So naturally I was drawn to the Pottermore site that I have been hearing so much about and joined! I am MidnightNiffler290273283. I think the site is kinda confusing. And it looks like you have to go through a bunch of stuff to unlock things and blah blah blah. So we'll see how it goes.... I want a wand! I liked that it just gave you a choices for your name and wasn't forced to think up something creative on my own. Cause I'm terrible at that. Or maybe it wasn't for my (lack of) creative benefit and more so that everyone wasn't HarryPotter5898657752 and Voldermort29984464823 right?? I dunno. Whatever. My name is awesome and I feel very privileged though to now be apart of Pottermore. Congratulations. To me. Go MidnightNiffler.

Also. Can someone please tell me where I can find good audio books? In Spanish. That are cheap. Please. I need your help. 

Monday, April 23, 2012

la primavera.

Um. It's Spring!!! Have you noticed?? Seriously I love it. I do not love the cold. And I love that it is SPRING. Like that it as been raining and not super hot but just totally...spring. Love it. It seems to already be warming up lots but I'll take what I can get! I wish I could have taken a picture of the smell of the those trees. They are in my front yard. There are three of them. Stop by sometime and smell them. It's so lovely. And all the tulips! Those are at the Logan Temple. I'm a fan. I love tulips. They might be my favorite flower.

Also. LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL. I know that this is extremely uncool cause pretty much everyone and their dog is already done with school and finals. Up here we're still in the last week of class and then finals week is next week. SO CLOSE.

This is my foot. At Tattoo Tuesday. Henna. The glitter stuff came off but the sun is still there! I think my mom thought I was strange. I love it though! I couldn't decide where to put it. Cause if would have got one on my arm all the middle schoolers would have gone crazy and thought I was...I don't know. I 'm pretty sure there was something else really important that I needed to say..........I have been applying for jobs!! Aren't you proud of me! It's only April! I am being proactive! Pray for me! (no seriously. Cause I need a job this summer.) Hopefully something will turn up. I feel like it will. Pretty sure that wasn't the important piece of information that you needed to know but I'll just be done now.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I love lunch carton milk.

So I have a journal. Like a real journal. A little book with lined pages that I write in and nobody gets to read. I got it for my birthday. I never ever ever wrote in a journal before my mission. During the mission I was an awesome journal writer. Then I came home and nothing. So the journal for the birthday. I have only written in it a few times. But seriously I love it. I mean this ole blog thing is a form of a journal. But a real journal. So much cooler. Just sayin'

Spring Break # 2 was so lovely. But I am glad to back at work and having something to do during the day. And. Today they are hold some sort of Republican thing at the school. They were practically stealing the table underneath the pear eating children. (Yes we had pears today. They were yummy. I ate one.) BUT. I totally saw Orrin Hatch. Yup.

To end this boringness that is my rambling I am going to go return the shoes. Sigh. I know it's sad. But it has to be done. I just know that I won't wear them enough and feel ridiculous the whole time. So much for embracing....