Thursday, June 07, 2007

last night me tara logan and kate went to see Waitress. I really liked it. Except the very end because it decided to have a good moral. I guess. My favorite part was the awkwardness of the doctor. If you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to call. Because I already loved him anyways. But after having seen so many pies we had to go purchase a pie. But instead of being able to agree on one pie we slowly all purchased our very own 6 dollar marie callendars pie. I got sour cream lemon and it is delicaiousl. When I got home around 11 30 the whole family had a piece before they went to bed. Except the dog. He didn't get any. Today I had the lovely pleasure of taking the boys to basketball camp. I even get to pick them up!!! I got them there 30 min. early!!! So they were on time and everything. Now I am going to the library. Because I really want to go. I am so excited.

My dog is laying next to me and he keeps twitching every time I hit the mouse button. Pretty funny.

1 comment:

kendall said...

delicaiousl? That sounds decadnetnte