Tuesday, June 05, 2007

hey watcha doin

after having a break from veronica mars and all its creepiness i am ready to start watching it again. its a good one. veronica almost got a tatoo on her face. ooooooooo. i don't really have anything to say at the moment. my dance recital is on friday and saturday and you are all invited. it should be really exciting because i dont know most of the dances. escpeically the tap dance. i honestly do not know it.

my right pinky toe hurts. really bad. i'd like to know why. i didn't stub it or do anything else to it. why oh why. the pain. the agony. I don't know if i can go ooonnnnnnnnnnn.

i wish i had more to say. i only have to work till 6 today. that is super super exciting. cause tues and thru. are my new favorite days to work.

oh yeah. i need a new book to read. preferably a classic. i need suggestions please.


kendall said...

Harry Potter 6. I didn't like that book, but I'm reading it again and it's wonderfullll. Or The English Patient, my favorite book of all time, though it is rather weird. I will be at your dance recital.
One time I broke my middle toe and was in pain for over 6 months and NO ONE BELIEVED ME. How does one even break the toe in the middle of their foot, and no other toe? I didn't know, and neither did anyone else. But now it doesn't hurt and it's crooked.

Unknown said...

The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton
