Tuesday, April 21, 2009


ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh school is almost overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

i am so tired. i'm not really sure why. i think its work. just the thought of work makes me feel exhausted. but i do have a funny story. well several. but i'll just tell this one. and really typing just doesn't have the same effect as getting to hear his voice. oh man.

little boy: making lego space ship. sees me. "Sarah! look at my space ship!"

me: cool i really like it!

little boy: its from star wars! its nobi-ka-nobis ship!

me: (laughing/crying inside cause that is just the cutest most hilarious thing ever) "cool, who's ship is it?"

little boy: "its nobi-ka-nobi's ship"

hahahahahahsdfkjsdfasklfjdfsalfd holy cow. soooo funny. i kept asking him about it cause i wanted to hear him say it again. (in case you aren't a star wars nerd such as myself, he is refering to obi-wan-knobi...and his ship.)

O M G me and saren went and saw 17 again last night. it was for our own fhe....but holy cow it was sooo very laugh out loud funny. I mean it was zac efron. but do i care? no. he was really good in it too. it was such a funny show. so many good lines....none of which i remember. it was funny though. go monday night movies. there was like 7 other people in the theater and we were all laughing hysterically.


Holly T said...

Hey me and Scotty went and saw 17 again on Saturday! We like it :) Well I liked it more than him because Zac Efron is hizzzot. We were also fortunate enough to get stuck in front of the most annoying 14 year old girl in the world. I swear I was going to punch her in the face...

Spencer said...

haha i liked your post.