Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Californiaaaaaa...Californiaaaaa...here we come

I went on a road trip this awesome Labor Day weekend! It was so very much fun. None of us thought it would really happen so i am glad that it did.

This is what happened.

We left at 5:30 on Friday...in the evening...so we got to our super crappy hotel around 2 that night. It was slightly creepy. Next morning. We woke up. Tahoe is way pretty. We drove around the lake a little before shooting back up to get on I 80.

This was at the rest stop at the Salt Flats. We were there for like 30 minutes taking pictures. It was one of the funnest parts of the trip.

Then....we started off. We made a quick stop off at the Jelly Belly factory. We decided against a tour though...Then we drove some more (There was a lot of driving on this journey). We parked the car at the train station and road in to San Francisco. I love to ride the train/subway. Then we walked around a lot. And it got windy and misty and I got cold. But I survived.

A few places we went to were...Lombard Street...the most twisty road ever known to man kind or something.

And...we ate at Fishermans Wharf. And went to Pier 39 and Ghiradelli Square.

And Chinatown!

We found some pretty interesting stuff there...

Hmm....Thats about it for Day 1 of San Fran. We stayed at Logan's aunts house that night and sunday. Which was awesome. Cause she fed us and had the most adorable dog. And i don't think i could have stayed in another hotel like the first night....

Here's a little video from Day 2...which was a VERY interesting day indeed....


Keely said...

IT WAS A FUN TRIP!!!!! I love that video

Holly T said...

Awwwwww lucky! That looks like it was frackin fun :)

Chess said...

That looks like it was an amazing trip! You and Saren are so cute! Love you both! :)