Friday, November 20, 2009

called to serve!

Hey!!! I am on a mission! Can you believe it!?! Cause I can't! Its crazy awesome here though! I love it, this is where I am supposed to be! ok. done using the exclamation points. But yes. its awesome. Spanish is crazy!!!!!! alskjflaskdjfsldkfjsdfkl. But I really like it. It's not always the easiest...but I think i'm getting the hang of it. I get to say the closing prayer in sacrament meeting on Sunday. So wish me luck. or pray for me!

I leave for the DR MTC next week on the 25th. We have to be up at THREE in the A.M. for our 6 am flight. We are supposed to get to the DR around 8 that night i think. so loooong day right there. But I think it will help with the Spanish tons and tons and lots.

My comps! There are 2 of them! They are way cool and keep me going. One is from Idaho and has a Math teaching degree, and the other is from Utah. And she is 4'6! And awesome! We all get along really well.

kk. i'm using up my email time writing this so i'll be done now!!

(yeah in case you were wondering. i'm not on my blog. I'm emailing it and then someone is posting it for me. You weren't thinking I was breaking the rules were you??)

oh yeah! Write me! I will be in the DR on the 25th so don't write to Provo after that!! is still free for the DR MTC too!!!

Wednesday, November 04, 2009


So this is really it. for reals. you're probably thinking...why is this girl on her computer the DAY she leaves for her mission.

i had to print off some stuff for my mother. so i thought i'd get on and write one more rambling post. well not really one more. i think i'm gonna send some stuff to my friend and then she'll post it on here. not very often but you know. just so you know i am alive!

my address is posted on the sidebar right over there. hopefully i'll be able to let you know the exact days of leaving provo to go to the DR mtc. and then when i actually get to the mission. the address is also on my facebook! there isn't the MTC address cause its easier to just use dearelder. cause its free. and i know you like things that are free. so now you have no excuse!!

get writing!!!

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

well folks...

this is it.

the part where i leave.

but you have to be packed first to do that. so once thats done....

haven't been near as many tears as i would have thought, but then again there never are. don't get me wrong though. there have still been plenty of tears.

i feel like i should say something really profound or awesome. but i got nothin. except. wow. these suitcases are REALLY small. i think they might be getting smaller by the minute.

i'l just post a picture instead. 

Monday, November 02, 2009


I don't have them.

the little brother does.

my mom always thought he had some allergies. but since he has had pneumonia for the fifth time in 5 years plus the flu TWICE she took him to the allergy doctor. they did that test where they stick you with different things and if your allergic your skin goes red or swells. 


it worked. his arm was red. and swollen. pretty darn bad. they judge things on a scale from 2 to 5. and the doctor said he rarely sees people who get 5's. 

the little brother had like 6. the doc only sees a few (as in 3 or 4) people a YEAR with allergies that bad. 

hence the reason the kid is always so sick. 

so now he's going to get shots every week. 

i know you are all so interested in the well being of my little brother, as you should be. so i just wanted to update you on the latest. 

(and this post looks weird. aljskdjf the spacing is to big and its driving me CRAZY)

Sunday, November 01, 2009

still need a new ipod...

ok. So that youtube movie. HOLY COW. I LOVE IT. i think i cried for several reasons.

1- when there is times to cry in my life. i usually cry at the wrong time. hence the crying during this awesome movie.

2- pretty much i am insanely jealous that i did not get to be a part of one of the coolest things ever. there were a few other videos like this (improv everywhere is awesome) but this was by far the coolest.

and....i guess my reasons end there. but it was SO COOL. i still kind of get choked up when i watch it.


pretty darn fun. definitely missed out on what my little brother did with his friends...i would post pictures but...i don't think you want to see it.