Monday, November 02, 2009


I don't have them.

the little brother does.

my mom always thought he had some allergies. but since he has had pneumonia for the fifth time in 5 years plus the flu TWICE she took him to the allergy doctor. they did that test where they stick you with different things and if your allergic your skin goes red or swells. 


it worked. his arm was red. and swollen. pretty darn bad. they judge things on a scale from 2 to 5. and the doctor said he rarely sees people who get 5's. 

the little brother had like 6. the doc only sees a few (as in 3 or 4) people a YEAR with allergies that bad. 

hence the reason the kid is always so sick. 

so now he's going to get shots every week. 

i know you are all so interested in the well being of my little brother, as you should be. so i just wanted to update you on the latest. 

(and this post looks weird. aljskdjf the spacing is to big and its driving me CRAZY)


Becki said...

so wait, what the crap. what all is he allergic to?

I'm glad they figured this out though. What made your mom think to take him to the allergy doc?

Millie said...

I've always had really bad allergies too. I get tons of sinus infections and junk because of them. The first time I got tested I was like a three or a four on everything (when I was like five). Then I got re-tested a few years later and was like a five on everything. My mom asked the doctor a year or two ago if I should get re-tested, he said no, we can't fit anything more in the shots. Hopefully the shots help him, they've improved my life. I've been getting them since I was five. I gave them up this last spring though, I think fifteen years was long enough! I hope he stops being so sick, allergies really stink.