Tuesday, January 13, 2009

the pain...

As you all should know, Saren and myself went to kickboxing last week. Now it was a pretty hard workout but tons of fun and I wanted to go back for sure. So today rolls around and Saren had to go meet with people for stuff...so she wasn't going to be able to go to kickboxing at 6:30. So we decided to try out the 'power toning' class at 5:30. Now I have gone to classes like this before, when I worked at the gym. They were hard but I really liked them. so... i figured it would be something similar. HOLY. COW. I almost died. It was INSANE. I told Saren I hated her like 4 during the class. And I meant it. It was one of the freakin hardest things I have ever done. I was shaking and weak and towards the end I couldn't stop laughing because it was just so ridiculous. She worked every single muscle group and we would do about a million reps with each one. And I should have used lighter weights. But 5 pounds? I figured I could handle it. She kept doing all this crazy stuff. And the abs went on for about 15 of the longest minutes of my life. We did all this crazy stuff and I was just laughing on the ground by this time. Thinking about how much I hated Saren for making me come to this torture chamber.

The class FINALLY ended and I slowly stopped hating Saren. I am still kinda shaky though. And I am already getting sore. The chances of me not being able to get out of bed in the morning are pretty good I would say. So moral of the story is: I am in terrible shape. I'd like to think I used to be in pretty good shape in my youth. I used to dance and tumble about 4 days a week. And yeah...I used to exercise I guess. Then the summer I was working at the gym I would go to the classes all the time. Yeah...anyways you don't really care about that. But I am gonna keep going cause its fun. To kickboxing. I won't be going back to that class of evil for awhile. Not unless Saren wants me to actually harm her.

Now I must write a definition of "what is geography" gag me. I think I am just not liking this class I have cause I don't really like the teacher. She just...i dunno, bugs me.

I had something else to write about......work was awesome today! There should be more days like that. always. There was something else though....darn. to bad.

1 comment:

Leon said...

What is geography gag me?