Monday, January 26, 2009


My birthday is coming soon!!! feb. 2. which is groundhogs days. what-what. I am kind of excited for my birthday this year? (oh gosh, i'll be so old.) My family has never really made a big deal out of birthdays but maybe its just more exciting cause i get to go home and eat real food and awesome cake and people buy me things. but i am excited. not sure why. don't even know what i'm doing for my birthday. maybe nothing. BUT my 16th birthday was totally awful. I don't think i have ever had a worse birthday.

I had to do my part of my driving test that day cause they lost my name or never put me on the list or something. So i had to drive around with Coach don't-remember and tony kent for 3 hours. so exciting.... and then i was all excited to go home and eat cake and my mom got the wrong kind of frosting. that whipped crap. yeah, awful. I think i almost started to cry. i don't remember anything else. driving around and the wrong frosting. geez. my mom knows what to get now though.

Scotty got saren some yogurt cause he's nice. its blueberry acai. i ate some. no one's home. she'll never know. but it tastes like a blueberry bagel with cream cheese on it. only in yogurt form. so it was good...i think? i couldn't decide. it was decent though. its Yoplus+digestive. so i guess i'll let you know how it digests.............

i am attempting to apply for scholarships this year with the CNR cause no one applies for them so i figure i might have a chance. its ridiculous though cause i have to write an essay about why i'm so cool and a school resume...which has nothing on it...i don't do clubs. so yeah. its stupid. but im doing it. just to see. cause money is nice.

This is from my birthday last year. My hair was short.

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