Monday, February 09, 2009

in case you didn't catch my note on facebook...

i did that stupid 25 random things post that has been all over facebook. but i did it. and laughed a few times. so whatev. you know you like it.

1. I don't like to share earphones with people. its gross.

2. i like to sleep on a cold pillowcase. so i flip my pillow over every night.

3. i like to curl up into a ball and lay on the floor.

4. chipped my tooth in 4th grade. tumbling. drinking fountain. elbow. bad experience. scarred forever.

5. smelly things happen to me....

6. i walk in my sleep creeps me out.

7. speaking of creepy. i HATE E.T.

8. i like to look in peoples fridges.

9. speaking of fridges. juice! i like juice.

10. i can listen to the same song for weeks...sometimes months

11. i can't spell tmowmw (being tomorrow. had to the spell checker on that one)

12. sometimes me and saren laugh hysterically for reasons we're not even entirely sure about.

13. i think my little brother is adorable. even though he's not so little anymore. i ♥ him.

14. when i paint my fingernails. its really just my left thumbnail.

15. harvest moon baby!!

16. when i registered to vote i wanted to be part of the socialist worker party. my mom said no.

17. online shopping is my friend.

18. whenever the shower curtain is closed i'm always afraid someone is dead in the tub.

19. never had braces. need to get wisdom teeth out.

20. was a cheerleader and on NAL(nerds and losers!) in 9th grade.

21. thinking about jr. high grosses me out.

22. i hardly ever cry.

23. when i am alone in the car. the volume is usually up alllllll the way.

24. i had an emotional break down in the minnesota airport last summer.

25. i can't go to sleep if my feet are cold...which is where i'm going right now. to bed.

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