Friday, May 02, 2008

home sweet home

So i have moved out of my apartment and home for the weekend cause i can't move into my apartment for the summer till monday. also my brother came home today. so its a weekend with the family.

cleaning was super exciting. i said the words gross and disgusting at least 231 times over the past few days. i hope i remembered everything. i wrote a huge list of things that i knew i could possibly forget. no one called to tell me about the forgotten clothes in my closet so i am assuming i got it all.

i have currently set up shop in the garage. My clothes are even hanging up there. (who knew that i would ever actually live in the garage???hahhahahahahahahha) i wont be sleeping out there though. sad. i took four days off of work for all of these adventures so that has been nice too. also i have been thinking of changing my i went and talked to the special ed advisor today. so yeah. now i get to decide what i am going to do with the rest of my life.

my brother came home today. 3 hours ago in fact. he is slightly crazy at the moment. due to the facts that he hasn't slept properly in 3 days and hasn't slept really at all in the past 36 hours. So he has been babbling away in english and mongolian since he got home. he came home with 3 other missionaries that had been in mongolia. right now him and the parentals are over at the church and he's getting released. its so wierd to have him home....he is a real person.....i just can't believe it. (yaaaaay my mom's birthday present finally is done!!! now she can get it on tuesday when we go to logan.) but yeah. brother. real. at home. strange. he asked if i had a boyfriend and when i said no i was instructed to go find one. this coming from the boy who has gone on a total of 4 dates in his whole life. still. rm. wierd.

food is the next item on the list. i would like some soon please.

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