Monday, December 18, 2006

day 2 of sitting on babies

i have had to sit on a baby. he's cute. he looks like curious george the monkey. we watch movies together.

last night we, being jessica jamil and logan, went to go see the house in west haven that has the music and the lights and its cool. only we heard half a song and they turned if off. so then we drove up to ogden to see the house that had like noahs ark last year. we took a brief stop at hollys for her christmas surprise. then by the time we left and drove up to the house they had turned there lights off, only they didnt really have any anyways. it was still fun though. made my night more exciting. i have to go to work in a bit. one day. i'll go down to the break room. hope i get to do something funish tonight. good bye.

1 comment:

kendall said...

you should have gone disco skating. sad day.