Tuesday, December 12, 2006


i should be studying. really there is no reason why i should be writing some boring blog when i should be studying for anthopology. only i was studying. and i am looking through my book, which i stopped reading after the last test, and i dont even recognize anything out of it. and i havent really been studying since i did study for my other tests and still only scored in the mid 70's so i figured whats the point.
today at work. i only had to put away one cart and then there was no more. so lovley. i wish it could always be december at the library. i cleaned the toy instruments and then i wrote WCL on all the chess pieces and put iredescent nail polish over them. it was so very nice.
earlier that day i was sitting on babies. well one baby. he is really cute. makes me laugh. i have not changed a diaper in years and years. i almost put it on backwards at first. he didnt even cry when his dad left. i watched nemo and tarzan. i love disney movies like that. then i came home and tried to study but fell asleep instead. then i went to work. and i alreayd wrote about that. tomwomw is officially going to suck. i have to wake up far to early. oh yeah. at work there was see's candy. and i got to take the rest of the box home cause i was the last one to be at work that night. not that i really ate any of it. but its much funner to cut them all in half to see if you would want to eat than to acutally eat the candy.
ok. i must go look at my book some more.

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