Thursday, December 07, 2006


ok. so here is my dad today. there was good things and bad things. it was neither the best day or the worst day that i have had.

this morning when i woke up i acutally got ready on time. Other than slamming my finger in the door it was fine. i drove to school. umm had classes. dont remember those. then i drove to my moms work. (i hang out with her before i go to work. cause i am cool.) so i ate my tv dinner she brought for me and some bread that people had brought for her work. i dashed over to work. began the 4 hours of torture. i didnt even get to make copies or anything. well i guess i did have to go put the die cuts away. but that is not exciting. i really have tried to like or at least tolerate my work. but i just cant. i dont talk to anyone. i just bend over and put books away. every one in a great while i get asked to to something else that takes like 2 min. the money i make isnt even worth it. i just...there are so many things. i cant take it. so after the torture session. i started to drive home. i have no no no no gas in my car. listened to only slightly good music. my mom called on the way home to inform me that she did not go get any dinner cause travis was at a friends. i was not happy. at all. so i got home. wandered around a bit ate some nasty food. me and the dog watched some tv. the OC. (ohhhh i miss seth) men in trees (LUV. this show) ugly betty and greys were old and i didnt really like those epidsodes. watched some more tv. travis came home. then i was sitting at the computer and i leaned on the thing where the keyboard is. and it totally collapsed and totally scared the crap out of me. then i laughed. and now i am here. needing to go study for my test tomomwowm. bah. so i dad was more on the bad side. but i am ok now. thanks for asking.


Becki said...

your dad? x2.

i'm sorry that your day was medium. I hope it gets better

Sarah said...

I have no idea what that is supposed to dad.....OH. my DAY. my day was on the bad side. there you go.