Wednesday, June 18, 2008

its story time

I have been painting and removing carpet at my grandmas for the past two days. And I am completely exhausted. For some reason I didn't get to bed till almost 1 last night when I could have easily went to bed at 10 30. So because of this some....unfortunate things happened, or I think some would say widely hilarious. But back to the painting. My grandma seriously has so much energy. I don't really know where she gets it from. She works as hard or harder than I do. And she is a lot older than me. Its crazy. So the rooms are painted...tan, Butterfly Bush yellow, and Covered Wagon. Which is a darker tan/almost reddish color. I can't remember what the tan color was called but it kind of reminds on of chocolate milk which truly sounds delicious right now. I painted all the ceilings too. That is really hard. And removing carpet, and carpet staples and the tack strip crap is even harder I would have to say. So that journey is over, I did get good lunch and quite the pay check out of the deal and quality time with the grandma so it was all well worth it. And at times even fun.

Ok, story time. So I was dead tired and haven't had any energy or brain focus since like 3 56 yesterday while I was still at my grandmas. (ps, i mowed her lawn too. i love mowing the lawn, and i haven't got to mow one in ages.) so i finally got home around...i don't know when. I got to bathe then I left to come back up to Logan around 9 30ish. I arrived in Logan around 10 30ish. Everyone was over at my apt watching the Sandlot. Which is a really good show. Really quite funny.

So we were watching that and talking sometimes. For some reason I decided to quote the girl from Transformers. She was on the MTV awards on tv today, and during one of my brief rests I saw her. Transformers won the best movie award or whatever its called. And she said that the next Transformers movie was going to be....well really good. SO. My point in quoting her was going to be that saying the F word on tv is dumb and it bothered me. So I go to quote her....she said. Yeah! and the next Transformers moving is going to be f-ing bad A. Only some how I managed to say the ENTIRE F WORD. I was so shocked. It took me and everyone else about 5 seconds of silence to figure out what I said. And I still wasn't really sure if I had said it or not. I was so mortified. Everyone was laughing hysterically. They all couldn't believe that I had said the F word but not the A word. I just can't believe i acutally said the whole thing. I totally and completely blame my kids at school. I used to hear that word on a casual basis way to often. Ahhhhh. I really still can't believe i said it. i am so embarrassed. And i know that i will NEVER, EVER live it down either. I have to be done with this now cause i don't like talking about it. oh gosh. i can't believe i said that.


Holly T said...

Bahaha! Potty mouth! Potty mouth! Yeah the first time I said the F word in front of Scotty was pretty funny cause I hit my shin on our bed and fell over and was just all like "OW F**k!" and then Scotty just dropped to the floor cause he was laughing so hard.... It was funny. The end.

The F word is so taboo.

kristin brown said...

Oh Sarah... ha ha ha I laughed out loud at work when I read that. Don't worry too much about it, I think it only counts when you mean to say it. :)