Saturday, June 07, 2008

murder or suicide?

Sooooo yesterday I was just having a normal day. I went to wal mart and read my books and other such activities. We were getting ready to go to a fire up the canyon and I lost my phone. So people started calling and I started looking around. Couldn't find the phone. It was no where to be found. So we went to the fire, it didn't really matter cause no one ever tries to get a hold of me and you don't get service in the canyon anyways. Soooooo we drive out of the canyon and Saren gets a text from Katie. Katie has found my phone. In the toilet. MY PHONE WAS IN THE TOILET. HOW DID MY PHONE GET IN THE TOILET. Marci even used the restroom and said there was nooo phone anywhere in the toilet bowl. But anyways my phone pretty much marinated in the toilet for 3 or so hours. Sooooo now I have to get a new phone. And I don't really feel like paying for one. But I have my old phone that I will be able to get on Sunday when I go home. So sorry you can't contact me until Sunday night cause all I have is a SIM card at the moment.

There were other events that I wanted to write about but I don't really care to write about them now.

Oh I will write about this cause I think it is soooooo very cool. (sooooo is the word of the day)

My dad went on a business trip to Washington DC this week. On the way home he flew in a plane. And he sat next to Mitt Romney for 4 hours. And he didn't even get an autograph or picture with him?!?! They talked a little at the beginning but not really after that. But I think that is soooo cool. And I think it is strange that he flew coach? You would think he would be a first classer. And he sat next to him on the shuttle thing in the airport too. So yeah my dad is now sorta famous. I need to eat breakfast now so I'm gonna go and write my other activities later.


Holly T said...

Woah. Mitt and Uncle Todd? That rocks. Yeah that is weird that he sat in coach considering he probably has enough money to own his own plane... Weird.

Obama 08!

Love Holly

kristin brown said...

Oh no! Your phone fell in the toilet?? That stinks. Do you carry it in your back pocket? Maybe that is how it got in there...