Friday, June 13, 2008

summer suede.

My grandma wanted me to help her paint her house. 3 bedrooms. tan, yellow, and darker tan. I accepted the offer because i was going to get paid for helping. Painting is hard. I didn't think it was that difficult. but it is. And so is moving furniture and ripping out carpet. Which i had not signed up to do. But thats ok. It was still fun. I got dinner and lunch out of it. And i am sure i'll get more food next week when i go back to help her. it really is quite the task though. if i had pictures i would post them but they would be boring. We have only one room finished. The lighter tan. i didn't get to even start the yellow. I am mostly excited to do the darker tan though cause it will be the most drastic change on the walls. i am sorry you had to read all this boring stuff about painting but it made me really tired.

i have a job interview today. everyone please keep your fingers crossed cause i need a job very badly. not just for the money either, i am getting very very bored sitting at home all day, when i'm not painting at least. i don't think any of this is really making an sense but oh well.

i am getting my haircut today. so that is super exciting. i love getting my hair cut. its like having new hair....ok i really am done now.


Holly T said...

You think your blog is boring? Please. The last frickin blog I wrote was about water. Oh stupid is that? Boooooooooo...... yep haircuts are fun. I was almost going to chop mine off, but I recently decided against it.

Anonymous said...


Becki said...

I feel pretty strongly that both you and I apparently care. You enough to comment and me because I look quite forward to each of Sarah's blogs. Even about painting.

Glad we clarified whooooo cares. Carry on.