Friday, May 29, 2009

in other news...

ok. I keep going to start a blog and then i lose energy and don't. so i am doing it anyways. cause its friday night and oh wait...yeah i'm sitting in my kitchen on my computer....super fun.

anyways today i went to the garbage dump with my grandma.................. garbage dump and grandma don't belong in the same sentence, so i'll just stop. it was quite the adventure though. i have been with my grandma a lot this week..............i'll just stop there. she is an awesome cool lady though. i like her. we picked flowers today to take back to my house for my mom. they are very very very very pretty. i like them.

Yesterday, and today i guess. was my little brother's last day of jr. high. ohhh the emotions i feel. first because he is supposed to be my little brother - and he's NOT anymore. he's huge. but it just got my thinking about my jr. high experiences. its so hard to explain. i loved it. i hated it. it was awesome. it was horrible. i sobbed on my last day. i'm insane. did no one else feel like this? anyways its so depressing and happy at the same time. so really the only thing to do is break down and cry. but what i really would like to cry about is that my kindergarteners' last day was yesterday. and i am soooo sad i wasn't there to see them. i freakin love this kids to death.

ok. one thing. jon and kate plus 8. i think its SOOoooo sad. i watched the season premire cause i wanted to see what they were gonna do with it. but i think its so sad what is happening with their family. espcially since they were always going on and on about how they would always be together. so sad.

in other news. my teeth are STILL bleeding. just a little. but just enough that my mouth tastes completely (that is not how that is spelled and the spell checker thinger isnt working on firefox)...tastes compeltyety disgusting in the morning. and to be honest folks, my family likes to tell that my breath smells bad. so i'm sorry if you have to talk to me, its not my fault! and sorry if you didn't want to know that, to late now. i called the doc and she said i was fine. ok. i guess i will believe you, as long as i'm not bleeding to death. i can chew on one side of my mouth though, the other side still hurts to much to be of any use.

in other news. i am going on a mission. (you think i would have willingly got my wisdom teeth out for nothing??) i have mentioned it to a few people. but now i am telling all of you. (all 2 that read this.....) I am going on a mission for real. Well for like 98% for real. i just can't bring myself to say i am going 100% till everything is done and turned in. cause i am insane like that. Maybe i will change my mind. And then i would feel stupid if i was like...oh yeah i'm totally going....not! just kidding. cause i couldn't handle that. but i really truely do feel that i know that it is the right thing to do....except when i freak out. but seriously i really know that i want and need to go. so unless something of 2% happens and i change my mind for whatever reason in the next few weeks i am going. I just need to go to the dentist really. but can't do that till my dang mouth heals. but yeah. i have ranted enough about that. be happy for me ok?

in OTHER news there was this little paper in the mailbox that said. Hello I am interested in you mazada -Jim and his phone number. the mazada would be my awesome car, Penny Putt-Putt from my high school years (lets not get into that). uhh...sorry Jim, the mazda isn't for sale....?? it was just parked on the side of the house with another car. (folks we have like a million cars when everyone is home.) so i dunno i thought it was kinda creepy cause i pictured this old man creeping around in our yard peeking in the windows of the car....that isn't for sale. wierd.

speaking of Penny Putt-Putt my little bro got his permit this week. Holy cow...lets not get started on that again though...(pretty much plan on me being an emotional wreck through each and everyone of my childrens childhoods/lives) it was pretty funny though, he almost didn't pass.

ok i think i might be done now. its been good to rant. cause that is what i have been doing just now. ranting. i hope you made it all the way to the end. and that you feel better to. i've gotta go wash my mouth out with salt water now....

(i tried, in vain to find a picture of me in jr. high. but there isn't any that exsist on my computer. tear.)


Chess said...

Poor Jon and Kate. They are all over MSN News. I wish they would just be left alone. Haha! 98% sure of a mission, eh? Cos I remember you telling me about it earlier this year. I am way excited for you. Tons of my gal friends from high school have all turned in their papers and are like, "Chess, you should join us!" Not gonna lie, the idea terrifies me. But yay for you! You will be a fab missionary! :)

Holly T said...

Sarah! You're going on a mission? Thats so awesome! I will write you and Jamal all the time. Im so excited for you! Mentioning Jon and Kate just reminded me that I recorded a "special" on E! with them explaining crap. I dunno... I think Kate a crazy bioch and I feel bad for the kids being her little monkies. So sad. Ok I love you, YAY! Mission!