Monday, June 01, 2009


I read a whole book last night. That's probably one of my most favorite things in the whole world to do. it was a really good book.

i got a bunch of music awhile back. so guess what i'm listening to? yup, thats right. Brian Adams on the Spirit soundtrack. i'm cool.

I had spinach quiche for lunch. sounds disgusting. was actually pretty good. even the little brother liked it.

i cleaned today.

i didn't see my grandma today.

i have more books to read cause i went to the library.

i need a job. still.

1 comment:

Chess said...

I went to the library the other day to get books too! (What book did you just read?) Have you seen the preview for that movie 'Julie and Julia'? I got that book. And I don't have a job either. :( But I got music too. I have a new favorite website, you should check it out ( It's excellent! :)