Monday, June 08, 2009

over and done with.

I just got back from the dentist. eehhhhhhhh I loathe the dentist. But this was a new dentist. Not the old dentist. But i just don't like going in general. good news though. NO CAVITIES!!!!!! This is such a huge relief cause i hate the sound of that awful drill. ehhhhhh i'm gonna stop talking about it cause it makes me want to curl up in a ball and die.

But, i had a really good weekend, i must say. On Friday I went to the air show? i think its called that. Its on base. And they were practicing on Friday so there wasn't the millions of people that go on saturday and sunday. I'm not gonna lie though, it was way cool. I think part of the reason that i think its so cool is cause my dad is totally and compeltey fascinated by these planes. His office is just outside the big hanger and airstrip place. It was soooooo way cool though. If you didn't go you missed out. here are some awesome pictures.

The cursor has disappeared. wierd......Thats ok though. I am going to island park next week! I have never been there before. We are going to yellowstone though. which i am soooo excited for cause i haven't been there in ages.

Back to the weekend though. Saturday i went up to logan to see my home boys, and girls. We went to costa vida. I love that place. Then we went to these batting cages that are only a dollar. it was so much fun and they had this awesome playground to. I got really dizzy. And then there is a fishing pond there, but its only for little kids. But there were a bunch of candle looking lights on the other side of it. so we went to investigate....and someone one getting engaged. Not then, that would have been embaressing. There was some people kinda by it that had set it up. So we left to that we wouldn't be poking around right as they came up....awkward. then i drove home. There was lots of cool lightening and i saw the end of the 5th harry potter movie at chris' gmas house.

;jijrlkkksjsnsooojgja i like the rain. it was raining yesterday. and i liked it.

1 comment:

Holly T said...

Island park is coolio. I like it :) We have gone for the past few summers. If you float any rivers wear a million layers of sunscreen or you will get burnt. And die. I know. It happend to me last year.