Monday, November 17, 2008


I have a class at 8:30. The class I have is CS 1400. computer programming. hate it. loathe it. but i usually can stay awake for the first bit. but between 8:53 and 9:02 i start to get tired. and i can't keep my eyes open. and i have to put my head down. to rest. its awful. and now i'm in the library. my 10:30 class is done now. i just have to go to class to hear people give presentations on their projects. and take the final and do my own project. which is going to be awesome....i hope i did good on my test!!!

it took me almost 2 hours to go to sleep last night. it used to always take me at least an hour to go to sleep every night. i don't miss that.

i love that my job always has the same or more days of than college. its very convenient.

i dont think any of what i just wrote made sense.

back to computer programming. i think my teacher is crazy. she LOVES computer programming. its unhealthy really. and as much as she loves it she's not very good at explaining it. at all. horrible in fact. i had fun writing the evaluation for the class.

really i'm done talking now.

1 comment:

Leon said...

To answer the question that you implicitly asked: no, none of what you wrote in that sentence made any sense! ;)