Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Today I was thinking about something on the way to work and I thought, oh I want to write a blog about this. But now work is over and I have forgotten what it was so now I can't tell you about my brilliant....thought or idea or plan...whatever it was.

Speaking of work. I want like 8 kids.

Another on the way to work story. I was driving down the road and someone had these ghost decorations up in their yard. They were all holding hands and it was cute, and then I wanted to cry. I have really displaced emotions sometimes. If could even call it that. Who wants to cry when they look at Halloween decorations.

I did soooo very awesome with my homework yesterday. And I was totally planning on doing just as awesome today. But I think its impossible to do that much homework for two days in a row.

I'm hungry. I need dinner. All I have eaten is chips ahoy. They are good. Need food though.

I had the weirdest dream last night. It was about going tanning. I don't have the energy to tell you about it right now though. Ask me later.

1 comment:

Leon said...

So I swear I looked yesterday and you hadn't updated your blog...that must have been two weeks ago because I just looked and there were like 5 new posts. Good on ya.