Tuesday, October 28, 2008


So pretty much these days I live on the computer. And not by choice. Since all my assignments have to be done on the computer and they take forever. I am always on this thing. I have already written 11 blogs this month. This is a record. I haven't written that many blogs in a single month since....a long time ago. (in a galaxy far far away) but. since i am on the computer. And all this crap is really hard i have to give myself lots of breaks....and since there are so many things to do on the computer. I check facebook like ever 15 minutes i think. Which i hate. Because its not that interesting. And nothing remotely interesting happens in 15 minutes. and i read blogs a million times a day. (i realize this sounds slightly creepy) but there isn't anything else to do. it gives me an excuse to procrastinate even more. blah.....blah......blah....alksjfoiweakmds zcxvoiweajf ldkj lcmcoWJLSF ALGOi;lskdjgl gla


Holly T said...

I know I have the same story because lskdfsyudfnsdoifyuspd se7w4 esfiusfjsf odfjs dfsodfs. CRAZY!!

Leon said...

Blogs are great and Facebook sucks.