Thursday, October 30, 2008


I work at elementary school. I get there at 12. Just in time for lunch and recess. We recently got a few of those red bouncy balls. The kids think it is hilarious to have the teachers bounce them really high in the air. they are cute. A few days ago my arms kinda hurt...i didn't know why. Yesterday when i was bouncing the ball for someone my arms were kinda hurting, soreish you know. I AM SORE from bouncing those dumb balls at RECESS. I might be out of shape? sad. really sad. sometimes we throw them in the air cause they go even higher than when you bounce them. And i totally chucked the ball on the roof. hahahahah. i was laughing so hard. The little boy almost started crying, i felt so bad. Usually i can throw it straight up so i don't have to worry about the roof. oh man. it was funny. so now we are short a ball.

Last night I had to go to this japanese drumming thing....taikoproject i believe it was called. It was soooooo very cool. By far the cooleset thing i have had to go see this semester.

lastly, i didnt go to class this morning!!!!! Its only the second time i have missed class this semster. i figured i deserved it.

AND. one last thing. i get to wear my pajamas to work today. On account of the fact that it is Red Ribbon Week. And today is pajama day!

I have to get out of bed now and get ready for work. peace.

1 comment:

Leon said...

Way to go. Make the kid feel bad. Geez, mom!