Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I am trying to do the homework assignment from hell right now. It really is so awful. Computer programming is not for me. I don't even understand it. I have no idea how to even do any of it. If it weren't for the brother I would totally be failing because I don't ever know or understand how to do the assignments. Its just so stupid. She does super easy examples in class and then expects us to know how to do super complex confusing problems blah blah blah. I HATE IT. I honestly can not do it. I can't. I don't even know where to begin or what the crap I am doing. I just type in random crap hoping that it how to do it. Then I run the program and it fails, then I change some stuff and it fails again.....and this continues for a long time. I am done complaining. now. i give up.

1 comment:

Leon said...

I sure do think it sucks that you have to take that class. Sure do. I'd probably really like it now that I've been programming for years...just not in C, or I would totally help you. Totally. Sure would. I'd actually really like to take that class again and learn C. It's a pretty useful language for some of the things that I do. Oh and remember when I said A-hole the other night? Still feel bad about that. Sorry!!!