Monday, October 27, 2008


Its monday.

I am in the library right now with my brother. He made this slideshow thing from his mission and it was insanely depressing. I don't even know how he can stand watching the stupid thing. I was almost crying.

On a happier note. I have had this coat. And it has this things on the shoulders. You know that are there for decorative purposes. So the buttons fell off like two years ago. And the flappy things are always flapping around. And really. To be honest. It pisses me off. They make me angry. Every time I put the coat on I see them flapping around. And it bothers me. Sooooooo on....Friday night. I cut them off!!!!!!! Holy cow. I don't know why I didn't do that YEARS ago. It was sooooo nice.

Ok i must go. The brother needs his computer back I guess. Good day.

....I'm gonna finish this now cause I got kicked off earlier this morning.

Back to the coat. Really you have no idea how good it felt to cut those stupid things off my jacket. seriously. THEY DRIVE ME INSANE. (something smells funny right now...i'm not sure what it is)

Halloween dance for FHE yo. Was a very good time. I won cupcakes!!!!!!!! during the cake walk!!!!!!! And now we are watching Nightmare on Elm Street:Part 2. It just started and the bus is going down a mountain right now....creepy.

I was going to do hw...but im not going to now. So that means lots to do tomwomw.....

1 comment:

Leon said...

Something smelled funny? Maybe Sameer was cooking outside your window...