Thursday, March 05, 2009

i can't hold my head up.

So i have decided to start my spring break early. Only not really since I did homework tonight and I had to go see a show. Let's talk about that for a minute. It was a contemporary dance thing. There was six of them . It was stupid. I liked one set of dances and that was it. The rest of it was really just awful. Dancing and just it was stupid. But that's ok I still had a good time. My neck hurts.
Back to my early spring break. I'm not going to my class tomwowm. But just the first one. I need to go to my other class at 10:30. Which stinks cause I still have to hurry home to be to work in time. And I don't even want to go to work.

Sorry this is sounding all so depressing and negative. or maybe not really? I don't care. I'm acutally feeling to be in a good mood. BUT. Spring break. I'm not doing anything. I will be working all alone and working all week. Except Monday cause I am not working and just oging to be home and chill with my family. And the other weeks goal is to acutally try and do some homework. I have some awful papers to write and I should do it when I don't have class and don't have to fill stressed. But you know that probably wont happen. ohhhhhhhhhh well.

i'm really tired.

1 comment:

Chess said...

You're not doing anything? I'm so sorry. :( If I were staying up here, I would do something with you. P.S. How come you, Saren, and I haven't gone to the Tandoori Oven? Haha, week after spring break, let's do it!