Tuesday, March 31, 2009

i wonder....

okay okay okay okay. REALLY. NOW i am really mad. IT IS A BLIZZARD OUTSIDE. There are really no words to describe my anger.

So I am listening to Angels and Airwaves. Who I really kinda like. But I usually only listen to them in the summer. It's just summer music. Everything about it reminds me of summer. I like. But I got there most recent cd. I don't remember from who. There was a music sharing fest. So thanks who's ever it was. But I am listening to it. And I am thinking of the summer. And crying inside. I can't wait for next week. I am barely hanging on. I don't know if I'll make it. I have to write a paper for monday. Its on the history irrigation (which for some reason I can not spell.). I haven't started yet. The plan is to go to the library tomwomw. The plan has been to go to the library for the past 2 weeks though....but really. I must go. To read about irragation. And so after the awfulness that will be this week and weekend. I will have the paper done. AND NO WORK NEXT WEEK. Now that is going to be so exciting I can hardly stand it. And Vegas with the fam. WARMTH. can't wait.

um. I forgot what else I was going to write about. I got a bit carried away with the irragation and not having to work next week and the weather.

I have been reading a book called Resource Wars (i know you're so jealous). It's about as interesting as it sounds. Which I don't even know what that means. But I guess it was sort of ok. just sort of though.

I have a job interview on thursday. I am soooo very nervous. Job interviews are one of the most awful things to ever exist. But that would be good if i got the job. Cause then I could stay up here for the summer. And make money.

i wish it was warm. sad face.


Chess said...

Yay! No work for me next week either! Love is overflowing from my heart! Good luck on your paper. I just got my paper of death turned in today. It's a GOOD feeling. :D

Leon said...

You complain too much.