Tuesday, March 03, 2009

oiewfalk. mmhmm.

Ok so I really have such an insane amount of homework. It's not even funny. TWO HUNDRED pages in TWO days? Yeah. I don't think so. We'll see how much of I can get done.

So I went and saw Slumdog Millionaire last weekend. Did I tell you that? Cause I don't think I did. Buy I'm gonna talk about it anyways. CAUSE IT WAS AWESOME. It was such a GOOD movie. You all need to go see it. The R rating....I can see why its rated R....maybe....I don't know. I might disagree. So please ignore that, lower your standards for 2 hours and go see it. You might cry. I just can't tell you how much I loved it. I want to see it again. Before that me and Saren went to Borders and were there for like an hour and half. I'm such a nerd. I could probably spend my whole life in a book store or library and just sit and read. But that probably wouldn't be best. Then we went to Home Depot and we helped Scotty pick out paint colors for his house. Then we ate at LaBeau's. I had the shrimp. Holy crap. It was delicious. I was a little scared seeing as it's pretty much a fast food place. It was super good though. Then we saw the movie. Which I said, it was AWESOME.

Saturday I went home cause no one was at our apartment and I wasn't going to sit on my butt and do homework all day. So I went home and had a grand time with my family. I got snowpants! They have suspenders. And I almost bought the most cutest adorable coat over, cause everything is onsale ya know, but I didn't and it made me sad. Then I played Harvest Moon. mmhmm. love it.

Sunday we had dinner for my brothers birthday. I just bought his birthday present. He's gonna like it. Then yesterday was school.......eajklwer lakwejr ahhhhhhh CAN NOT WAIT FOR NEXT WEEK. better yet the end of the semester. It's spring break next week. I'm not doing anything...so I'm gonna take off work on Monday so that I can sit at home for one day. Maybe I will spend my birthday money somewhere......do you want to play?

BUT. Monday. Should have been doing my homework...you know those 200 pages....yeah. I got some of it done. But at 11 Shane came over and wanted to drive up to Tony's Grove. So me and Saren got our snow clothes on and we drove up the canyon. It was dark. And creepy. And I'm a wimp. Trevor was trying to take picutres but it wasn't working. I would go again though. Maybe I wouldn't be so afraid then. I don't like the dark though.

OKAY. must go back to reading's of death.

1 comment:

Chess said...

What class are your readings of death for?