Monday, December 08, 2008

its almost over

Took my first final this morning. Took 1 hour and 45 minutes. Finals are NOT supposed to take that long. I think I did pretty good...Hopefully. alkjwenoiwn

1 down.
3 1/2 to go....

I'm taking a break from the homework. I got a lot done today! But not enough. Never enough. I need to study for my computer final....but its sooooooo hard. And I need to work on my projects to......i'll stop complaining.

It snowed today. Did you notice? Yes, lovely surprise when I woke up this morning. But it was alright. Cause it wasn't to cold. I need a scraper thing for my car. Cause I don't have one. Cause I got my car this summer. When there isn't any snow. And its warm. I used my umbrella today to wipe it off to go to work. ...this is all really boring... I want to go skiing!! Or snowboarding. I am a skier but it seems that everyone and their dog do the snowboarding thing. And I have been once. It was fun, I just couldn't get off the lift. Not once. I fell every. single. time. The guy would see me coming and just slow the lift down for me. But the snowboarding part was fun.

I am excited for Christmas. I like buying Christmas presents for people. wahoooo...

1 comment:

The Johnsons said...

Hi Sarah. I'm glad that you have a blog!!! Hahaha yes I am getting married!! Yay!! You seem to think that it's crazy... haha you keep saying that i'm getting married. haha I'll add you to my blogs soon!